Source code for mtap.processing._base

# Copyright 2022 Regents of the University of Minnesota.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Internal processors and pipelines functionality."""
import contextlib
import datetime
import threading
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import (

from mtap import data

    import mtap
    import mtap.processing as processing

class ProcessorContext:
    __slots__ = ('times',)

    def __init__(self):
        self.times = {}

    def add_time(self, key, duration):
            self.times[key] += duration
        except KeyError:
            self.times[key] = duration

[docs]class Stopwatch(ContextManager, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A class for timing runtime of components and returning the total runtime with the processor's results. Attributes: duration (~datetime.timedelta): The amount of time elapsed for this timer. Examples: >>> # in an EventProcessor or DocumentProcessor process method call >>> with self.started_stopwatch('key'): >>> timed_routine() >>> # in an EventProcessor or DocumentProcessor process method call >>> with self.unstarted_stopwatch('key') as stopwatch: >>> for _ in range(10): >>> # work you don't want timed >>> ... >>> stopwatch.start() >>> # work you want timed >>> ... >>> stopwatch.stop() """ __slots__ = ('_key', '_context', '_running', 'duration', '_start') def __init__(self, context: Optional = None, key: Optional[str] = None): self._key = key self._context = context self._running = False self.duration = datetime.timedelta() self._start = None
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the timer. """ if not self._running: self._running = True self._start =
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops / pauses the timer """ if self._running: self._running = False self.duration += - self._start
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._running: self.stop() try: self._context.add_time(self._key, self.duration) except AttributeError: # If context is None pass
processor_local = threading.local()
[docs]class Processor: """Mixin used by all processor abstract base classes that provides the ability to update serving status and use timers. """ __slots__ = ('_health_callback',) metadata = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super().__new__(cls) instance._health_callback = None return instance
[docs] def update_serving_status(self, status: str): """Updates the serving status of the processor for health checking. Args: status (str): One of "SERVING", "NOT_SERVING", "UNKNOWN". """ if self._health_callback is not None: self._health_callback(status)
@property def custom_label_adapters(self) -> Mapping[str, data.ProtoLabelAdapter]: """Used to provide non-standard proto label adapters for specific index names. Returns: """ return {} @staticmethod def current_context() -> Optional['processing.ProcessorContext']: return getattr(processor_local, 'context', None)
[docs] @staticmethod def started_stopwatch(key: str) -> Stopwatch: """An object that can be used to time aspects of processing. The stopwatch will be started at creation. Args: key (str): The key to store the time under. Returns: Stopwatch: An object that is used to do the timing. Examples: >>> # In a process method >>> with self.started_stopwatch('key'): >>> # do work >>> ... """ stopwatch = Stopwatch(getattr(processor_local, 'context', None), key) stopwatch.start() return stopwatch
[docs] @staticmethod def unstarted_stopwatch(key: str) -> 'processing.Stopwatch': """An object that can be used to time aspects of processing. The stopwatch will be stopped at creation. Args: key (str): The key to store the time under. Returns: Stopwatch: An object that is used to do the timing. Examples: >>> # In a process method >>> with self.unstarted_stopwatch('key') as stopwatch: >>> for _ in range(10): >>> # work you don't want timed >>> ... >>> stopwatch.start() >>> # work you do want timed >>> ... >>> stopwatch.stop() """ return Stopwatch(getattr(processor_local, 'context', None), key)
@staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def enter_context() -> ContextManager[ProcessorContext]: # Used by the MTAP framework to enter a processing context where things like timing # results are stored. Users should not need to call this in normal usage. try: old_context = processor_local.context except AttributeError: old_context = None try: processor_local.context = ProcessorContext() yield processor_local.context finally: del processor_local.context if old_context is not None: processor_local.context = old_context
[docs]class EventProcessor(Processor): """Abstract base class for an event processor. Examples: >>> class ExampleProcessor(EventProcessor): ... def process(self, event, params): ... # do work on the event ... ... """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def process(self, event: 'mtap.Event', params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Performs processing on an event, implemented by the subclass. Parameters: event (Event): The event object to be processed. params (~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]): Processing parameters. A dictionary of strings mapped to json-serializable values. Returns: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Dict[str, Any]]: An arbitrary dictionary of strings mapped to json-serializable values which will be returned to the caller, even remotely. """ ...
[docs] def default_adapters(self) -> Optional[Mapping[str, data.ProtoLabelAdapter]]: """Can be overridden to return a mapping from label index names to adapters that will then be used in any documents or events provided to this processor's process methods. Returns: Mapping[str, ProtoLabelAdapter]: The mapping (dict-like) of label index names to ProtoLabelAdapters to be used for those indices. """ pass
[docs] def close(self): """Can be overridden for cleaning up anything that needs to be cleaned up. Will be called by the framework after it's done with the processor.""" pass
[docs]class DocumentProcessor(EventProcessor): """Abstract base class for a document processor. Examples: >>> class ExampleProcessor(mtap.DocumentProcessor): ... def process(self, document, params): ... # do processing on document ... ... >>> class ExampleProcessor(mtap.DocumentProcessor): ... def process(self, document, params): ... with self.started_stopwatch('key'): ... # use stopwatch on something ... ... """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abstractmethod def process_document(self, document: 'mtap.Document', params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Performs processing of a document on an event, implemented by the subclass. Args: document (~mtap.Document): The document object to be processed. params (~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]): Processing parameters. A dictionary of strings mapped to json-serializable values. Returns: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]: An arbitrary dictionary of strings mapped to json-serializable values that will be returned to the caller of the processor. """ ...
[docs] def close(self): """Can be overridden for cleaning up anything that needs to be cleaned up. Will be called by the framework after it's done with the processor.""" pass
def process(self, event: 'mtap.Event', params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: document = event.documents[params['document_name']] return self.process_document(document, params)
class ProcessingError(Exception): """Exception for when processing results in a failure.""" pass
[docs]class ProcessingResult(NamedTuple): """The result of processing one document or event. """ identifier: str result_dict: Dict timing_info: Dict created_indices: Dict[str, List[str]]
ProcessingResult.identifier.__doc__ = "str: The id of the processor with respect to the pipeline." ProcessingResult.result_dict.__doc__ = "Dict: The json object returned by the processor as its results." ProcessingResult.timing_info.__doc__ = "Dict: A dictionary of the times taken processing this document." ProcessingResult.created_indices.__doc__ = "Dict[str, List[str]]: Any indices that have been added to documents by " \ "this processor."
[docs]class PipelineResult(NamedTuple): """The result of processing an event or document in a pipeline. Args: component_results (List[ProcessingResult]): The processing results for each individual component elapsed_time (~datetime.timedelta): The elapsed time for the entire pipeline. """ component_results: List[ProcessingResult] elapsed_time: datetime.timedelta
[docs] def component_result(self, identifier: str) -> ProcessingResult: """Returns the component result for a specific identifier. Args: identifier: The processor's identifier in the pipeline. Returns: ProcessingResult: The result for the specified processor. """ try: return next(filter(lambda x: x.identifier == identifier, self.component_results)) except StopIteration: raise KeyError('No result for identifier: ' + identifier)
PipelineResult.component_results.__doc__ = "List[ProcessingResult]: The processing results for each individual " \ "component" PipelineResult.elapsed_time.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The elapsed time for the entire pipeline."
[docs]class TimerStats(NamedTuple): """Statistics about a specific keyed measured duration recorded by a :obj:`~mtap.processing.base.Stopwatch`. """ mean: datetime.timedelta std: datetime.timedelta min: datetime.timedelta max: datetime.timedelta sum: datetime.timedelta
TimerStats.mean.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The sample mean of all measured durations." TimerStats.std.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The sample standard deviation of all measured durations." TimerStats.min.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The minimum of all measured durations." TimerStats.max.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The maximum of all measured durations." TimerStats.sum.__doc__ = "~datetime.timedelta: The sum of all measured durations."
[docs]class AggregateTimingInfo(NamedTuple): """Collection of all the timing info for a specific processor. """ identifier: str timing_info: 'Dict[str, processing.TimerStats]'
[docs] def print_times(self): """Prints the aggregate timing info for all processing components using ``print``. """ print(self.identifier) print("-------------------------------------") for key, stats in self.timing_info.items(): print(" [{}]\n" " mean: {}\n" " std: {}\n" " min: {}\n" " max: {}\n" " sum: {}".format(key, stats.mean, stats.std, stats.min, stats.max, stats.sum)) print("")
[docs] @staticmethod def csv_header() -> str: """Returns the header for CSV formatted timing data. Returns: str """ return 'key,mean,std,min,max,sum\n'
[docs] def timing_csv(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Returns the timing data formatted as a string, generating each Returns: Generator[str] """ for key, stats in self.timing_info.items(): yield '{}:{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(self.identifier, key, stats.mean, stats.std, stats.min, stats.max, stats.sum)
AggregateTimingInfo.identifier.__doc__ = "str: The ID of the processor with respect to the pipeline." AggregateTimingInfo.timing_info.__doc__ = "dict[str, TimerStats]: A map from all the timer keys for the processor to " \ "the aggregated duration statistics." class ProcessingComponent(ABC): __slots__ = () metadata = {} @property @abstractmethod def processor_name(self) -> str: ... @property @abstractmethod def component_id(self) -> str: ... @abstractmethod def call_process(self, event_id: str, event_instance_id: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]: """Calls a processor. Parameters event_id (str): The event to process. event_instance_id (str): The service instance the event is stored on. params (Dict): The processor parameters. Returns Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]: A tuple of the processing result dictionary, the processor times dictionary, and the "created indices" dictionary. """ ... def close(self): ...
[docs]class ComponentDescriptor(ABC): """A configuration which describes either a local or remote pipeline component and what the pipeline needs to do to call the component. """ __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def create_pipeline_component( self, component_ids: Dict[str, int], client: 'Callable[[], mtap.EventsClient]' ) -> 'processing.ProcessingComponent': pass