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#  Copyright 2020 Regents of the University of Minnesota.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Labels functionality."""
import threading
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from queue import Queue
from typing import (

    import mtap
    from mtap import data

[docs]class Location(NamedTuple('Location', [('start_index', float), ('end_index', float)])): """A location in text, a tuple of (`start_index`, `end_index`). Used to perform comparison of labels based on their locations. Args: start_index (float): The start index inclusive of the location in text. end_index (float): The end index exclusive of the location in text. Attributes: start_index (float): The start index inclusive of the location in text. end_index (float): The end index exclusive of the location in text. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs] def covers(self, other: Union['data.Location', 'data.Label']): """Whether the span of text covered by this label completely overlaps the span of text covered by the ``other`` label or location. Args: other (~typing.Union[Location, Label]): A location or label to compare against. Returns: bool: ``True`` if `other` is completely overlapped/covered ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.start_index <= other.start_index and self.end_index >= other.end_index
[docs] def relative_to(self, location: Union['data.Location', 'data.Label', int]) -> 'data.Location': """Creates a location relative to the the same origin as ``location`` and makes it relative to ``location``. Args: location (int or Location or Label): A location to relativize this location to. Returns: ~data.Location: A copy with updated indices. Examples: >>> sentence = Location(10, 20) >>> token = Location(10, 15) >>> token.relative_to(sentence) Location(start_index=0, end_index=5) """ try: start_index = location.start_index except AttributeError: start_index = location if not isinstance(start_index, int): raise ValueError('location must be Label, Location, or an int value') return Location(self.start_index - start_index, self.end_index - start_index)
[docs] def offset_by(self, location: Union['data.Location', 'data.Label', int]) -> 'data.Location': """Creates a location by offsetting this location by an integer or the ``start_index`` of a location / label. Derelativizes this location. Args: location (int or Location or Label): A location to offset this location by. Returns: ~data.Location: A copy with updated indices. Examples: >>> sentence = Location(10, 20) >>> token_in_sentence = Location(0, 5) >>> token_in_sentence.offset_by(sentence) Location(start_index=10, end_index=15) """ try: start_index = location.start_index except AttributeError: start_index = location if not isinstance(start_index, int): raise ValueError('location must be Label, Location, or an int value') return Location(self.start_index + start_index, self.end_index + start_index)
[docs]class Label(ABC, metaclass=ABCMeta): """An abstract base class for a label of attributes on text. """ @property @abstractmethod def document(self) -> 'mtap.Document': """Document: The parent document this label appears on.""" ... @document.setter @abstractmethod def document(self, value: 'mtap.Document'): """Sets the label's document, this will automatically be done when the label is created via a Document (i.e. get_label_index) or added to a document (i.e. via labeler or add_labels). """ ... @property @abstractmethod def label_index_name(self) -> str: """str: The label index this label appears on.""" ... @label_index_name.setter @abstractmethod def label_index_name(self, value: str): """Sets the name for the label index this label appears on. Will automatically be called when a label is added to a document via labeler or add_labels.""" ... @property @abstractmethod def identifier(self) -> int: """int: The index of the label within its label index.""" ... @identifier.setter @abstractmethod def identifier(self, value: int): """The index of the label within its label index. Labels will automatically be assigned this when added to a document via labeler or add_labels.""" ... @property @abstractmethod def start_index(self) -> int: """int: The index of the first character of the text covered by this label. """ ... @start_index.setter @abstractmethod def start_index(self, value: int): ... @property @abstractmethod def end_index(self) -> int: """int: The index after the last character of the text covered by this label. """ ... @end_index.setter @abstractmethod def end_index(self, value: int): ... @property def location(self) -> Location: """Location: A tuple of (start_index, end_index) used to perform sorting and comparison first based on start_index, then based on end_index. """ return Location(self.start_index, self.end_index) @property def text(self): """str: The slice of document text covered by this label. Will retrieve from events server if it is not cached locally. """ return self.document.text[self.start_index:self.end_index]
[docs] @abstractmethod def shallow_fields_equal(self, other) -> bool: """Tests if the fields on this label and locations of references are the same as another label. Args: other: The other label to test. Returns: True if all of the fields are equal and the references are at the same locations. """ pass
@abstractmethod def collect_floating_references(self, s): pass
L = TypeVar('L', bound=Label) _repr_local = threading.local()
[docs]class GenericLabel(Label): """Default implementation of the Label class which uses a dictionary to store attributes. Will be suitable for the majority of use cases for labels. Args: start_index (int): The index of the first character in text to be included in the label. end_index (int): The index after the last character in text to be included in the label. Keyword Args: document (~typing.Optional[Document]): The parent document of the label. This will be automatically set if a the label is created via labeler. **kwargs : Arbitrary, any other fields that should be added to the label, values must be json-serializable. Examples: >>> pos_tag = pos_tag_labeler(0, 5) >>> pos_tag.tag = 'NNS' >>> pos_tag.tag 'NNS' >>> pos_tag2 = pos_tag_labeler(6, 10, tag='VB') >>> pos_tag2.tag 'VB' """ def __init__(self, start_index: int, end_index: int, *, identifier: Optional[int] = None, document: Optional['mtap.Document'] = None, label_index_name: Optional['str'] = None, fields: Optional[dict] = None, reference_field_ids: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs): self._document = document self._label_index_name = label_index_name self._identifier = identifier self._start_index = int(start_index) self._end_index = int(end_index) if fields is None: self.fields = {} else: self.fields = fields if reference_field_ids is None: self.reference_field_ids = {} else: self.reference_field_ids = reference_field_ids self.reference_cache = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @property def document(self) -> 'mtap.Document': return self._document @document.setter def document(self, document: 'mtap.Document'): self._document = document @property def label_index_name(self) -> str: return self._label_index_name @label_index_name.setter def label_index_name(self, value: str): self._label_index_name = value @property def identifier(self) -> int: return self._identifier @identifier.setter def identifier(self, value: int): self._identifier = value @property def start_index(self) -> int: return self._start_index @start_index.setter def start_index(self, start_index: int): self._start_index = start_index @property def end_index(self) -> int: return self._end_index @end_index.setter def end_index(self, end_index: int): self._end_index = end_index def _is_reserved(self, key): return key in self.__dict__.keys() or key in vars(GenericLabel) or key in vars(Label) def __getattr__(self, item): try: return self.fields[item] except KeyError: pass try: return self.reference_cache[item] except KeyError: pass try: ref_value = self.reference_field_ids[item] self.reference_cache[item] = _dereference(ref_value, self.document) return self.reference_cache[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('Key "{}" not in fields, reference cache, or reference ids.' .format(item)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in ('document', 'label_index_name', 'identifier', 'start_index', 'end_index', '_document', '_label_index_name', '_identifier', '_start_index', '_end_index', 'fields', 'reference_field_ids', 'reference_cache'): object.__setattr__(self, key, value) return if self._is_reserved(key): raise ValueError('The key "{}" is a reserved key.'.format(key)) is_ref = _is_referential(value, [id(self)]) if is_ref: self.reference_cache[key] = value else: self.fields[key] = value def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GenericLabel): return False if other is self: return True if not self.location == other.location: return False return self.shallow_fields_equal(other)
[docs] def shallow_fields_equal(self, other): if not self.fields == other.fields: return False refs = set(self.reference_field_ids.keys()).union(self.reference_cache.keys()) other_refs = set(other.reference_field_ids.keys()).union(other.reference_cache.keys()) if not refs == other_refs: return False for k in refs: try: if self.reference_field_ids[k] == other.reference_field_ids[k]: continue except KeyError: pass self_k = getattr(self, k) other_k = getattr(other, k) if not _collect_locations(self_k) == _collect_locations(other_k): return False return True
def __repr__(self): try: stack = _repr_local.stack except AttributeError: stack = set() _repr_local.stack = stack if id(self) in stack: return 'GenericLabel(...)' stack.add(id(self)) attributes = [repr(self.start_index), repr(self.end_index)] for k, v in self.fields.items(): attributes.append("{}={}".format(k, repr(v))) for k, v in self.reference_cache.items(): attributes.append("{}={}".format(k, repr(v))) for k, v in self.reference_field_ids.items(): if k not in self.reference_cache: attributes.append("{}=ref:{}".format(k, repr(v))) stack.remove(id(self)) return "GenericLabel(".format() + ", ".join(attributes) + ")" def collect_floating_references(self, s): queue = Queue() for k, v in self.reference_cache.items(): if v is not None: queue.put(v) while not queue.empty(): o = queue.get_nowait() if isinstance(o, Label): if o.identifier is None: s.add(id(o)) elif isinstance(o, Mapping): for _, v in o.items(): if v is not None: queue.put(v) elif isinstance(o, Sequence): for v in o: if v is not None: queue.put(v)
[docs]def label(start_index: int, end_index: int, *, document: Optional['mtap.Document'] = None, **kwargs) -> GenericLabel: """An alias for :class:`GenericLabel`. Args: start_index (int): The index of the first character in text to be included in the label. end_index (int): The index after the last character in text to be included in the label. document (~typing.Optional[Document]): The parent document of the label. This will be automatically set if a the label is created via labeler. **kwargs : Arbitrary, any other fields that should be added to the label, values must be json-serializable. """ return GenericLabel(start_index, end_index, document=document, **kwargs)
def _staticize(labels: Sequence['data.Label'], document: 'mtap.Document', label_index_name: str) -> Tuple[List['data.Label'], Set[int]]: """Prepares a label index for serialization by finalizing sort order and setting label identifiers. Args: labels (~typing.Sequence[GenericLabel]): The labels in a label index. Returns: List['GenericLabel']: The labels sorted by position. Set[int]: A set of labels which a referenced by labels in this index. """ labels = sorted(labels, key=lambda x: x.location) waiting_on = set() for i, lbl in enumerate(labels): lbl.document = document lbl.identifier = i lbl.label_index_name = label_index_name for lbl in labels: lbl.collect_floating_references(waiting_on) return labels, waiting_on def _is_referential(o: Any, parents=None) -> bool: if parents is None: parents = [id(o)] if isinstance(o, (str, float, bool, int)) or o is None: return False elif isinstance(o, Label): return True elif isinstance(o, Mapping): map_is_ref = None for v in o.values(): if id(v) in parents: raise ValueError('Recursive loop') x = _is_referential(v, parents + [id(v)]) if map_is_ref is None: map_is_ref = x elif x != map_is_ref: raise TypeError('Label dictionaries cannot have mixes of references to labels' 'and primitive types.') return map_is_ref elif isinstance(o, Sequence): seq_is_ref = None for v in o: if id(v) in parents: raise ValueError('Recursive loop') x = _is_referential(v, parents + [id(v)]) if seq_is_ref is None: seq_is_ref = x elif x != seq_is_ref: raise TypeError('Label lists cannot have mixes of references to labels' 'and primitive types.') return seq_is_ref else: raise TypeError('Unrecognized type') def _dereference(o: Any, document: 'mtap.Document') -> Any: if o is None: return o if isinstance(o, str): label_index_name, label_id = o.split(':') label_index = document.labels[label_index_name] label_ = label_index[int(label_id)] return label_ if isinstance(o, Mapping): replacement = {} for k, v in o.items(): replacement[k] = _dereference(v, document) return replacement if isinstance(o, Sequence): replacement = [_dereference(v, document) for v in o] return replacement def _collect_locations(o): if o is None: return None if isinstance(o, Label): return o.location if isinstance(o, Mapping): return {k: _collect_locations(v) for k, v in o.items()} if isinstance(o, Sequence): return [_collect_locations(v) for v in o]